Living the high life


We decided to splash out this morning and book a helicopter ride to see the Grand Canyon. Thinking that we are only here for a very very short time and because we had been saving for over a year for this trip that we deserved the really expensive long flight (might as well go the whole hog! – you only do it once in a life time right? (ok 2nd time for Si))
Anyway it was amazing and worth every penny/cent! Our flight took us in a huge circle over a very vast area of the Canyon which isn’t even a fraction of the whole thing (Canyon trivia for you; the half owned by the National Park is about the size of Switzerland! Pretty big, huh!) It is so big that even when you are going at 150 miles an hour it doesn’t feel like your moving! We dipped down into the Canyon and caught some fantastic views of the Colarado river, then travelled along the dragon corridor and had some tummy flipping moments as we soared up and over the rim again. Anyway, as I said, it was worth every penny – there is no other way we could have seen as much of the Canyon, even if we had a week! Definitely something everyone should experience at least once in a lifetime. We are already planning our trip back!
Although it’s not even been a full day since we arrived in the Grand Canyon, it’s time to leave, as there is a very long road trip back to LA ahead. Lake Havasu was as far as we could make, new site of the old London Bridge, yes the world famous transaction in 1976 when America thought they were buying Tower Bridge (funnily, they didn’t mention that), at a cost of 2.5 million to buy, and 4.5 million to shift the thing. It is a bit surreal seeing a piece of London in the US, especially in 111F heat – yes, that’s hotter than Death Valley was…
Wildlife update for Helen: Turkey Vulture (it’s almost a condor :-)), and a skunk – luckily with no smell!

One thought on “Living the high life”

  1. Thanks for the update! Turkey vultures- saw them in New Jersey!AND I have just finished reading about the Grand Canyon (Between Rock and a hard place) Aron Ralstom who got stuck in the Grand Canyon and cut his own hand off!
    It all sounds very good, but confused as to what a DS is? Must have been ‘very’ expensive!

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