
Today’s mission was to get as much of LA in as possible in only 6hours. Think we did pretty well considering how long it took to drive from one bit to another. After a random drive to get to the Holywood sign, we eventually found the park with a good view, but again running dangerously low on fuel but easier to find a petrol station this time. On the way to the beach, we stumbled upon Hollywood Boulevard, site of the handprints and stars of stars in the pavement, along with Johnny Depp (see pic!).
Then, the final few hours in the US were spent wandering along Santa Monica beach, with Dolphins surfing in the waves! (yes Mum/Helen, I know you’ve swum with them before! 🙂 )
This update is being written from a Burger King in LA airport, one I think I’ve been to before with Rich, our total fast food meals probably account for half the meals we’ve eaten, when in the US… 🙂

One thought on “LA”

  1. Hi there you two!
    What a fantastic trip so far – I’m so very jealous. It’s taken me ages to write a comment as I’ve only just caught up with all your blog entries – very impressed and amused by the stories.
    Glad you found the G Canyon so impressive – I loved it too. Jealous about all of the wildlife you’ve been spotting though – need to try to convince Pete to make the trip over the water.
    Keep enjoying yourself,
    Love to you both,
    Smelly x

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