Moving north

After taking our time motoring over the past few days, today felt like we were positively ratcheting up the miles between ourselves and Sydney. Half an hour up the freeway, the Australian Reptile park beckoned, a cosy little zoo with all manner of Aussie critters, including Elvis the 5 metre croc, all manner of lizards and spiders and the obligatory kangaroo enclosure. Although personally, I found the tasmanian devil more interesting (amazing what effect Disney cartoons have!) It did give us the chance to see the poisonous red-back and funnel web spiders, and tell us to wrap bandages around bites for one but not the other, if only I could remember which way round it was – best to just avoid all spiders!
The camp site hunt was on once again with the aim of getting us fed before the mozzies, this time taking us quite a way up the coast to Toulakey, a quaint little place next to the calmest water I’ve seen for a while, alas by the time we’d bought beer for the barbie it was getting dark and the mozzies won – next time…