Totally World Heritage-tastic

With only a little stroll yesterday we were itching for more and so called into the Montezuma Falls, the tallest in Tasmania. I cycled and Caroline walked along the old railway track (read as nice, flat and easy) to the falls, passing through the mossy forest, and occasionally muddy track. I only had enough time to venture out on to the ricketty suspension bridge before Caroline arrived after nearly standing on a snake (got my heart racing and reminded me why you are not advised to walk on your own in Australia! – Caz).
The afternoon was a lot more civilized. Boarding a fast, slick ship we zoomed out of Strahan into the dark waters of Macquarie Harbour and through Hells Gate, named so by the prisoners on their way to Sarah Island (think the Alcatraz of Australia). The ship then motored to the Gordon River, a World Heritage site that satisfies 7 out of the possible 10 criteria required to become World Heritage listed, and joint top of the table with another site in China, so a pretty important place. It’s not so hard to see why, as we cruised up the beautiful mirror smooth waters of the river, passing trees that are up to 4000 years old, and aren’t found elsewhere. The area was also home to Aboriginies that were the most southerly humans and survived several ice ages (average temperature of -14), and not forgetting the unique flora and fauna that Tasmania has.