So we arrived in Melbourne this morning and only had a few hours of van time left. There seemed only one thing to do… visit Ramsay Street. It was not at all what I expected and quite surreal actually. For a start it’s not called Ramsay Street in real life (quite obvious I suppose!) but also it is tiny – a mere court with about six houses, only one of which I could say with any conviction that I recognised. There was also a security guard keeping an eye on preceedings!?
Our wee trip down memory lane only took about five minutes so we headed to St Kilda, site of our hotel and began the long process of clearing out the van ready for our parting of the ways.
We delivered the van back to Dirk at the airport and managed to keep our tears in check. Just. Our wee van had served us well, clocking up 12000km and has been our home for the last three months (longer than the time we lived in our flat in Sydney!)
The rest of our day involved a wander around Melbourne soaking up the atmosphere. After dinner we stumbled across a comedy festival. One of the comedians managed to persuade us to come to his show because it had Scottish connections and he promised to talk about something I didn’t really understand (I thought he was talking about a person called Kay Lee) but he seemed so pleased with himself that I didn’t want to disappoint him by admitting I’d never heard of her! Anyway it turned out to be the perfect show for us, all about movie trailers and a grandfather who was born in Ireland and moved to Glasgow. The comedian had a bit of a dodgy Irish and Scottish accent (turned out he was talking about ceilidhs!) but he was very funny and like I said the show could have been tailor made for us! Melbourne rocks so far!