Preparing for the cold

It has been a while since we have experienced a winter but it looks as though our time has come and we can no longer out run the cold. It is hard to say just how cold it is going to get here but it was clear we were not prepared. So it was with this in mind that we hit the shops today and I’m pleased to say it was a successful mission. Thermal T-shirts were bought (hopefully Si won’t actually need three but it was too good an offer to pass up!) as well as warm snuggly jumpers. We are now ready, bring on the snow!
I also got another very exciting purchase: a new camera! Yep, we wore another one out with all our holiday snapping. I hope you are all prepared for the number of photos you will be subjected to on our return 🙂 Now with my new jazzy camera I can do all sorts of fun and cool things. It has settings for every conceivable photo opportunity from landscapes, portraits, a portrait against a landscape, pets, children and so on. It is great fun to play with and I now almost rival Si in the number of photos taken each day. But the best bit about it is that it is PINK! Which is great just cos it’s cool but also because Si is less inclined to nick it!
After our very successful shopping trip we went off in search of something to take photos of. South of Christchurch are the Port hills where we hopped on a gondola (cable car) up to the top. We were warned about the lack of visibility at the top and it was no lie. The clouds had the hill covered and the wind literally took your breath away so the only other hardy soul, apart from ourselves, braving the elements was a hedgehog. True to form New Zealand wildlife is not as scary as the Aussie variety.