Goodbye South Island!

Our time on the South Island has come to an end, and so we boarded the less-than-glamourous ferry (the two trucks full of sheep and associated smell did not help), and were soon weaving our way through the Marlbourgh Sounds and out into the open seas. As the ferry left the Tory Channel and we waved goodbye to our home for the past few weeks, there were clear skies to the south and omnious grey clouds to the north, hopefully not an omen of things to come! Wellington greeted us (well me, Caroline was inside hiding from the sheep smell) with low flying clouds zooming overhead and a matching wind. The ferry dropped us off in the middle of the city, and there was the unusual sensation of other cars on the road, something not experienced on the South Island back roads! We also found that camping doesn’t suit city visits, with our campsite being more like an overpriced carpark with showers, still it does have the advantage of having a bar onsite!