Although you could probably rename New Zealand Sheepworld, that’s not what we’re talking about here, instead there is a theme park (well, a farm) dedicated to the woolly four legged creatures. Some may think we’re baa-rmy but we were up early to make sure we saw the sheep shearing show, goaded on by the guide book hinting at a chance to shear one ourselves. Alas there was no such opportunity, which is a good thing as the clippers were exceptionally sharp and could easily whip a finger off (I’m 90% sure our travel insurance doesn’t cover sheep shearing). The sheep dogs were particularily impressive – the handler told one to “get the sheep” and two minutes later sheep were running over the hill and were pinned against the fence as close as they could get to the handler. Then came my part in the show, helping to sort the sheep according to the colour on their heads. Armed with a three way gate, the dogs barked the sheep along a passage way to the gate where I flapped away trying to get the sheep going the right way. Squashing a couple of heads in the process, I only got a few wrong which means I am good enough for a job in Australia but not New Zealand. The show ended with us holding milking bottles as lambs stampeded in, obviously well drilled for what was in store. Somehow Cat managed to be the last one with milk left and was surrounded by the lambs eager for the last drops, not sure if that is an enviable position…