Luge-ing again

Well a trip to Rotorua just isn’t complete without a visit to the luge. Seeing as I didn’t manage the advanced track last time there’s even more of a reason to hit the concrete with avengence. With 5 tickets for the luge in hand, and praying for a distinct lack of school trips at the top we took to the hill. Last time I couldn’t do the advanced track, but this time nothing held me back, and the track impressed. It was faster, bendier, with more two-wheeled antics and some jumps thrown in too, but also over way too quickly. Pete – it’s also been toned down since you were here, the jumps are smaller as people were getting injured – that doesn’t sound like New Zealand! The intermediate track was fun, but not quite as thrilling as last time, so maybe you do begin to get immune to these sort of things. Caroline took the final run down the luge, speeding down like a pro, and oddly claiming that the chairlift ride was the scariest bit…