One of the “must dos” at the Angkor Wat temples is to catch a sunset and sunrise. We’d watched a sunset a couple of nights ago, and apart from standing on a temple with hundreds of tourists, it could have been a sunset anywhere. So, at 5am our trusty tuktuk driver took us, along with swarms of other tourists in tuktuks to Angkor Wat, all in hope of a magnificent sunrise. Still amazed by the number of people up at such an ungodly hour, we settled down by the royal ponds in front of Angkor Wat, and waited for the sun to rise behind the temple. Alas, the sun didn’t really rise, the day just got brighter, but at least we had tried. It looked like most other tourists were staying at the temples, as if the sunrise was just an early start to the day, not for us! To us, 6.30am meant there was still time for a snooze before breakfast. It turned out to be an exceptionally good choice, as the wet season had hit with avengeance by the time we re-awoke. Well, that’s what good books and cafes are for!