Mount Oberon


A search for my family legacy in Wilsons Prom proved fruitless – a fence that sis Mel built a few years back has either been replaced or is very overgrown.
It did give us the chance to stock up on energy bars for our climb of the day up to the granite peak of Mount Oberon that looms over the campsite, and promised views of much of the Prom. Suffice it to say, our preparations of all weather gear and food for the day were a bit over the top, as were my expectations of a peaceful vista of the unspoilt countryside. Once we’d passed the phone masts (the link with Tasmania, so I guess our blogs will be flying through here soon!) we were given tantalising glimpses of the landscape, as the low morning clouds drifted by. We didn’t have to wait long before the clouds burned off, and the impressive landscape presented it’s true glory. The park is quite different to the Australia we’ve seen so far, with its huge granite outcrops sticking out of green forests there is more than a passing resemblance to Yosemite – albeit with less threatening wildlife in the form of Wombats!