Wilsons Promontory

Having a wind turbine near the campsite was the only excuse I needed to take a bike ride and have a look, not thinking that they tend to put them at the top of big, and in this case steep hills. At least it got the blood flowing, and we were on our way to Wilsons Prom.
The peninsula is famed for the number of wombats, and on our first walk to the beach we weren’t disappointed, as turning a corner a blonder than expected wombat was making it’s way across the path. They’re funny short stumpy creatures, a bit like a brown stocky badger, and for Aussie wildlife, they’re quite timid when they realise you are there.
The beach had some cool sandstone cliffs, with what looked like sand falls where the sand tries to fall down off the cliff, but during it’s descent is blown back up by the wind to the top again. A couple more beaches later and we were ready to soak up a sunset, with Wilsons Prom being the only place East Aussies can see it set over the sea. I also discovered a sunset cheat mode on my new camera that turns the vaguest orange hue into the most glorious sunset imaginable… er, actually they’re all real, honest! 😉