Our return to Kaikoura was a bit more successful than last time, although the whale watch boat trip did have a big sea sickness warning! We were taken a few kilometres off shore where a deep (over 1000m!) sea canyon comes close to shore, bringing with it all manner of sea life, including the fourth largest sea mammal, the sperm whale. As soon as we arrived, a whale had surfaced to replenish it’s oxygen before heading down again for more feeding. That meant 10 minutes of watching the top of the whale blowing, followed by a tail-up dive as it swims back to the bottom. After a lot of microphone whale hunting by the captain, he had located a second whale doing the same. Whilst waiting we had the chance to watch the largest flying seabird, the Wandering Albatross, including getting photographs of them doing a running take-off. So although the obvious blog picture was a whale tail, I’m more proud of the albatross shot, but I think there are enough Albatross photos on here, and I don’t want to turn it into an Albatross blog.