Swimming with…. dolphins!

We’d seen the lively Dusky Dolphins from the shore, the seal swim and also from the whale watch boat. At any given opportunity they are jumping, back flipping, tail slapping and generally having fun. So now it was time for us to slip into the neoprene one more time and get up close to them. The boat dropped us into the icy water ahead of the dolphins, and we were told to entertain them in anyway possible so that they would stay and take a look at you. So as the 400 odd dolphins swam past (wasn’t too sure whether to be amazed or slightly concerned by the numbers), we all squeaked through our snorkels and swam in circles playing a mini game of chase. At one point I had three or four dolphins swimming around, until I got dizzy and had to concede the game. There were also a couple of yellow-striped dolphins (ok, technically called common dolphins, but my name is better) swimming with the duskies, and Caroline also saw a seal in there too.
After four or five drops into the water, it was time to head back to shore, our thirst for swimming with marine life, cold water and wet suits well and truly quenched!